Women's Health

Smear tests:

When you receive your NHS invitation for a cervical smear test, you can book your smear test on-line via the NHS app or Patient Access app.

It's best to book an appointment for a time when you're not having a period – also try to avoid the 2 days before or after you bleed (if you do not have periods, you can book any time) or if you've finished treatment if you have unusual vaginal discharge or a pelvic infection.

More information is available at : When you'll be invited for cervical screening - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Contraception service:

Please book an appointment with the Contraception nurses if you wish to discuss hormonal contraception or be referred for an implant or coil, which we fit in the practice. 

HRT service:

Please book via reception for an HRT appointment with Nurse Sarah Jackson.

Termination of pregnancy service:

There is no need for a GP appointment or referral to access this service.

There are two providers for our area.

To access the free NHS Abortion Service , provided by MSI Choices, call 0345 300 80 90. Alternatively, patients can engage MSI through webchat at www.msichoices.org.uk for inquiries and information.

NUPAS can be contacted on 0333 004 6666 or via their website at https://www.nupas.co.uk/